I apologize for those of you who wait with baited breath each Tuesday for the new blog posting and did not find one. I was attending a 4 day Qi Gong seminar called the Qi Revolution. If you've never heard of it, as I never did until I received a postcard about a 32 hour CEU program for $99 let me give a few details.
Supreme Science Qi Gong is a non-profit organization that teaches massage therapists, nurses, acupuncturists and anyone who is interested how to use qi gong to live a healthier life while offering super affordable continuing education credits.
You might be wondering what in the world is qi gong. I'll start first with the pronunciation. Qi = chee, Gong = gong. Qi Gong is a branch of Chinese Medicine and is a form of gentle exercise and cultivation of energy with meditation mixed in.
Benefits of Qi Gong include: (taken straight from the Qi Gong training manual)
>>improves the motion of blood, warms the blood, and enhances whole body circulation
>>stimulates appetite, sexual function, assimilation of nutrients and digestion/elimination
>>accelerates metabolism, weight loss, decreases need for sleep
>>bolsters immune system by reducing cortisol
>>develops dexterity, reflexes, and prevents osteoporosis
>>opens arteries allowering greater brain-based microcirculation to prevent alzheimers
>>enhances mental acuity, focus and concentration
>>helps us to calm down and relax
>>improves results of hands on healing and helps spiritual growth
Qi Gong is the discipline of harnessing your energy. It is similar to Tai Chi although for most forms you stand in one place and work more with moving your hands and arms following your breath. For more information about qi gong you might visit here.
The list of benefits sounds compelling doesn't it and the fact that it doesn't appear to be as physically intense as say, running a marathon, almost seems too good to be true.
From my experience over the last 32 hours of qi emersion I will say this: Qi Gong is a powerful practice. I wouldn't think holding my hands at chest level and trying to breath would be so intense but then my feet would pulse and burn, my shoulders would fatigue, I'd forget to stay relaxed and hold my breath.
As I sit here listening to devaproject (music from the weekend) trying to find the right words to explain all that I learned over this 4 day class my only thought is this: it was a well thought out production and its presentation was responsible.
What this means is that it wasn't all just about qi gong forms, it was about balance. Jeff Primack was intent on letting the group of 900 know that all the qi gong in the world is not the end all be all of being healthy and living your best life. In addition to practicing qi gong proper nutrition is key (something none of us really ever want to hear) and so is your mind set (negative thoughts and holding on to negative emotions are just as damaging to our health as McDonalds).
There have been studies done in Washington DC where groups have gathered to meditate and crime rates have dropped. I was curious what kind of impact 900 qi gongers would have on Chicago but have no idea where to find such stats on 4 days. We did do several meditations on love, forgiveness, and world peace. So if at any point from March 6-9 you felt a moment of peace I'd be curious to know about it. At any rate, it has defiantly changed my life.
Qi Gong is not like working out at the gym where missing a couple days doesn't dramatically impact the body, its something that must be practiced every day. I made the 30 day challenge, to practice qi gong every day for 30 days. It was said we really wouldn't understand or feel the effects until at least this milestone. Today is day 2 of my personal qi gong practice. I've woken up at 6 each morning to get my practice in, something that if you know me especially recently is almost a superhuman feat. (i like my sleep) So far I'm finding that my sleep is deeper and I'm able to fall asleep quicker probably because my mind doesn't race as quickly either. My appetite and energy level is hearty and so are my bowel movements. (sorry if you didn't want to know)
There will be more blogs to come about the Qi Revolution and my 30 day challenge.
Sarah Zender LAc
Whole Health Acupuncture 50 Turner Ave Elk Grove Village IL 847.357.3929 wholehealthprograms.com
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